I hope you had a lovely Easter!? We made the most of the good weather and went in search of bluebells. They’re out early this year and, although they need a bit more time to be fully at their best, they still looked pretty spectacular.
I don’t think there’s much that can beat the sight of an English bluebell wood. We’re very lucky to have lots here in the South East – you may remember I went on a wildflower photography course in Kent last year and the bluebells there were spectacular.
This year we went to White Down in the Surrey Hills, you walk just 5 mins from the road and the sea of blue opens out before you.
Bluebells are scented too – even though they weren’t fully out, the perfume in the air was still wonderful.
But it wasn’t only the bluebells that were on show – the wild Ajuga was in flower too…
And the bracken fronds were starting to unfurl in a very dramatic way…
The beech trees too were coming to life – I’ve never really noticed the flowers before…
You still have some time to go searching for bluebells. Winkworth Arboretum is a fabulous place to see them as is Hatchlands Park, but if you’re a bit more adventurous, there’s plenty to see out in the countryside too.
(Images: Lisa Cox)