A couple of weeks ago I spent the day in Kent with a friend on mine photographing wild flowers. We attended a workshop run by local professional photographer Robert Canis who knew exactly where the best flowers were – we had a great time!
We started the day in a bluebell wood where there was an abundance of wild orchids too. I was a bit disappointed with my close up shots of the orchids, but it was early in the day. The image below I hope will at least give you a flavour of what we saw…
We were lucky with the weather which was warm and mostly overcast – apart from the hour we spent in an open field full of wild cowslips. Of course any landscape photography is best on overcast days, but at least it wasn’t raining.
The next stop was another bluebell wood…
We had a go at producing a Monet style shot too – here’s my best one…
…and I couldn’t resist taking some pictures of the bracken…
I love ferns, especially under trees when they catch the light.
One of the highlights for me was being able to experiment with my wide angle lens which I brought some time ago to enable me to be able to get good shots of my smaller gardens. Robert encouraged me to have some fun with it and here are the results…
Pretty cool don’t you think!?
The last two shots were taken in the last bluebell wood of the day with plenty of wood anemones too.
Hope you enjoyed the pictures – which is your favourite?
(Images: Lisa Cox)