The Summer brings long days of warm sunshine however dry weather sometimes inhibits rapid plant growth. Adequate moisture at the roots will facilitate growth.
Essential Tasks
- Regular water is essential through the Summer months to avoid losses due to drought.
- Check irrigation systems regularly.
- Drench plants once or twice a week – do not water lightly or during the heat of the day.
Seasonal Tasks
- Continue to check for aphids and treat accordingly.
- A high potash fertilizer applied now to perennials such as Salvia can accentuate flower colour and increase resistance to pests and diseases.
- Check and adjust irrigation systems and watering requirements. Keep automatic watering to a minimum, allowing gaps of several days between watering coverage to encourage plant roots to quest deeper into surrounding soil for available water reserves.
- Top up water feature reservoirs regularly.
Pruning & Training
- Prune back flowered shoots of Spring flowering shrubs (e.g. Philadelphus) and smaller plants such as aubretia, iberis etc.
- Clip hedges and trim back topiary.
- Tie in climbers and cut back unwanted growth.
Feeding and Fertilising
- If growth is slow, fertilise with half-strength fertiliser.
Weed Control
- Keep control of annual and perennial weeds as above.