Increasing warmth of the sun and rising soil and air temperatures promote growth in April. However, beware of late frosts which can bring damage to soft new growth. Warmer weather, available soil nutrients and adequate moisture during this season are the elements that drive vigorous plant growth. Generally, rainfall in Britain is well distributed through the year. In later Spring and Summer months however, evaporation from soil and transpiration through plants sometimes exceeds rainfall replacement, reducing water reserves. Irrigation may be necessary during these periods if increasing plant growth is desired.
Essential Tasks
Seasonal Tasks
- Apply a slow release general fertiliser to borders and a liquid fertiliser to Spring bulb leaves.
- Dig up and divide clumps of any overcrowded perennials.
- Stake leggy plants as necessary.
- Check for aphids on young shoots and treat as necessary.
- Check and turn on irrigation systems.
- Prune shrubs which have flowered earlier in the year (e.g. Forsythia) and plants which flower in Summer on new wood.
- Prune evergreens.
- Remove faded leaves of Spring bulbs when they have shrivelled
- Remove dead flower heads of shrubs, particularly Rhododendrons, and remove and destroy rhododendron buds which have failed to open.
- Keep bamboo stems clean and clean out old stems, thinning plants to give enough room for new growths. Restrict height by pruning if required.