From the drawing board – a new front garden near Monmouth
0 Written by Lisa on 19th Jun 2018 in From the drawing boardI’ve recently been working with a couple near Monmouth who want to make better sense of their front garden. As with many sites around this area, the garden slopes steeply so I’ve tried to make better sense of the levels to facilitate a much more elegant route to the house and to make it more inviting.
This is how the garden looks now…
The steps are a bit haphazard and not very easy to navigate and the planting is now a bit tired and in need of a bit of a revamp.
The catalyst for wanting to do something with the front garden is the rather ugly garage which is a focal point when you come in the driveway and also when you look out from the house. Because it houses the bio mass boiler for the central heating it can’t be removed so we wanted to make sure it attracts attention for the right reasons.
As you can see, the steps up to the pedestrian door are taking up a large part of the walkway and, with such a big drop to the right hand side, it makes navigation along this terrace a bit dangerous.
The new design will make much better sense of the levels and create a safer and more elegant route both from the driveway and down through the pedestrian gate along the side of the garage.
The garage will be clad with sections of cedar and the other sections will be painted dark grey to give it a modern contemporary feel. We’ll also create a new entrance at the side of the garage to enable a much safer passage where the existing steps are located.
Construction will start at the beginning of August so I’ll post some pictures when it’s in progress and also at the end when the plants are in the ground.
The planting palette is simple with grasses and evergreens that will look great all year round.