From the drawing board: Monmouth garden after planting
2 Written by Lisa on 3rd May 2017 in From the drawing boardI went back to check on my Monmouth project yesterday and it was great to see how much the planting has come on just a few weeks after planting.
You may remember this project from some time back. We had some challenges along the way, but the garden is pretty much finished now and it’s looking good.
All that’s left to add is a couple of planters, two decorative aluminium panels for the wall and a new table and chairs and it will be completely finished.
At the moment there’s a lot of painted wall, but once the panels have been installed and the climbers do their thing, it will soften the whole look and feel of the space.
My favourite part of the garden I think has to be the side alley which apparently has been getting some attention from passers by.
It used to be a dingy corridor but it’s now an open and attractive part of the garden.
Quite a difference!
The back garden was narrow and unloved too despite. Despite the efforts of the previous owner, it just didn’t feel very welcoming to step out into.
The raised beds were lined up with the boundary wall so it made part of the garden completely unusable. The shed wasn’t a very pretty focal point either.
The new layout is in tune with the architecture of the house, rather than the angle of the wall so it naturally feels more spacious. Once the planting is more mature, you won’t even notice that the flowerbeds are an odd shape.
I’ll be going back again when the panels have been installed to take some more pictures but I hope you agree that the new garden is very much more inviting and uplifting that it used to be, even the cat loves it!

I really like how planting spaces have been incorporated into the paving, I have a side ‘corridor’ and an area I would like to develop into a seating/dining area and will definitely try and incorporate some planting beds into the design like this.
So glad to have inspired you, Louise. Planting strips between the paving slabs will certainly help to break up your side corridor. For the areas where there’ll be some more regular foot traffic I used low creeping plants that can handle a bit of walking on.