Over the two weeks of RHS Flower Show Cardiff it was really interesting to travel the same road each day and see the leaves unfold. Not all the trees are fully out yet around our Welsh hills, but yesterday we took a walk to see if the bluebells were in flower in the local wood.
They need another week really but I took some images all the same…
The bluebells along the side of the road are a little more advanced…
It’s amazed me how many bluebell woods there are within just a short walk of our house and over the last week or so, the hedgerows and verges have started to come to life with wild flowers.
We have to walk over one of the meadows to get to the bluebell wood we visited yesterday and it’s so beautiful. The colours of the trees in the spring sunshine is warms and vibrant and the leaves light up when the light catches them.
I’ll leave you with a few more pictures of the wild flowers in the meadow and also the wild cowslips that have appeared on the bank in our back garden. Just gorgeous!
(Images: Lisa Cox)