Happy New Year!
On this day last year, we packed up our house in Surrey and started our move to South Wales. We shed a tear when we locked up the house, but since we moved into our new home on 7th January it’s been pretty fabulous and we love being here.
What I realised when I went running this morning is that I don’t miss a thing from our life in Surrey. Occasionally I think it would be nice to walk into town to pick up a few bits, but having to drive to the supermarket is a small price to pay for living where we do.
Over the past 6 weeks it has rained pretty much constantly and over Christmas it was pretty wet most of the time. We have stream coming out of one of the banks and it’s pretty muddy out there, but we’re on the side of the hill so, luckily for us, flooding isn’t an issue. Being tucked up in front of the fire with the wind howling outside isn’t so bad, is it!?
What I love the most about the mountains is the way I feel when I step outside. They never look the same, even when the weather is clear and bright. This morning I stepped out and there were dramatic cloud formations sitting over the Black Mountains, this afternoon we’ve pretty much been in a cloud and haven’t been able to see them at all – I find it invigorating!
I think we all need to find something that inspires us. You don’t have to be a creative person or designer to need a lift every now and again. Nature can give us so much whether it’s from the mountains, walking along a beach or taking a stroll through a beech wood in autumn. I love being away from the hustle and bustle of the City, but equally I find towns and cities inspiring in their own way too.
When I worked in the City of London I loved the blend of architecture, where new met old and walking along the river during my commute to work. It also had a buzz about it during the week. But at the weekends I loved it more when the crowds of commuters stayed at home. My Sunday morning trip to the Gym took me through deserted streets, it was really peaceful.
I’m not sure what triggered me to write this blog post today but I know that getting inspiration is something that keeps me going and moves me forwards and I have decided that getting out with my camera more this year is an absolute must!
I hope 2016 brings you much happiness and success and I look forward to sharing my thoughts, ideas and photographs with you as the year unfolds…

That is a really lovely post – thank you for sharing 🙂
Thanks Helen, glad you enjoyed reading!
Thanks lisa , really lovely to read your post !
Thanks Rosie – can’t believe we’ve been here a year already!
Hi Lisa – really enjoyed your post. What a beautiful part of the world you live in. We live in the Cotswolds and I couldn’t agree more with you – all the mud, ‘spontaneous springs’ and howling wind is a small price to pay for the inspiring views, peace and bracing walks!
PS: Congrats too on your MSGD membership which I just noticed on their latest e-news
Thanks William! Yes, I never get bored of looking out on the Welsh Hills. I see you trained at GDS too…?