Inspiration from RHS Hampton Court Flower Show – Part 2
2 Written by Lisa on 9th Jul 2013 in InspirationI’ve been out planting today and it was pretty hot despite the fact that the garden has quite a bit of shade. I was thinking how hot it must have been at Hampton Court today…I bet there are a few burnt bodies this evening!
So the medals were announced for the show gardens this morning and I was delighted to read that A Cool Garden won Best Summer Garden because this was my favourite garden at the show.
I’m featuring this garden today. I loved everything about it from the curved stone walls, to the ornate gate at the end and the corten steel water feature which was gorgeous.
The main central pathway included a structural glass panel, which you see in the picture above – it looks like water here and I love the way it reflects the light.
A Cool Garden was designed by Ruth Marshall and sponsored by Cool Gardens Landscaping who also built it. The garden represents a courtyard for a new spa building in a a large rural estate. It provides a private and restful space for the family to enjoy.
Huge congratulations to all the medal winners at the show. I’ll be featuring some more inspiring show gardens tomorrow.
(Images: Lisa Cox)