Inspiration from RHS Hampton Court Flower Show 2013 – Part 5
2 Written by Lisa on 12th Jul 2013 in InspirationSo far I’ve featured the show gardens that inspired me this year, but today I wanted to mention the exhibitors who make up a large portion of the show. Hampton Court Flower Show has a different vibe to Chelsea and there’s lots you can buy and take away with you, especially from the Country Living Marquee which is full of gorgeous things from art to clothes to jewellery and handmade cosmetics.
At each of the RHS shows, the show stands are often spectacular. Some are like show gardens, planned out by garden designers and built by experienced contractors. Like the show gardens, each of the show stands is judged and, if appropriate, awarded a certificate.
This year one of my landscapers, Scott Hadley, built the show stand for Alitex who produce beautiful bespoke aluminium Victorian greenhouses and conservatories. They have also developed a range with The National Trust.
The stand was awarded Best Trade Stand in Show – huge congratulations to all who were involved!
This year Alitex teamed up with Sparsholt College to provide an aspiring horticulturist with the chance to create a garden at the worlds largest flower show. The winning design was from a garden design student, Alice Wrightson, who created a garden that demonstrates the full range of possibilities for greenhouse owners, using ornamental vegetables and beautiful roses.
(Images: Alitex)