From the drawing board: an intimate courtyard garden in Bletchingley
0 Written by Lisa on 17th Jun 2014 in From the drawing boardYou may remember me blogging the concept design for this project a couple of months ago but I thought I’d share the designs again as well as some quick photos I took yesterday after I’d finished planting.
It was a quite a job to take all the soil etc. through the house but I’m really pleased with the finished garden and, most importantly, so is my client who was a very happy lady when I left yesterday.
Here’s a reminder of how it looked before…
A rather uninspiring space for a new-build property. My client, Janet, felt as though she was sitting in a shed when she went out there.
The plan was to create a garden that was almost over planted – full of lush flowers and foliage and plenty of scent. So I designed the garden with a view to it looking like this…
…and this is the same view now that the planting has been completed…
All we need now is a bit of time for everything to fill out.
The other side of the garden is home to the swing seat and this too was rather uninspiring…
It was my vision that you’d feel as though you were sitting amongst the planting…
…and I think we’ve managed to achieve it…
The trellis in itself adds some texture and takes away from the vast expanse of fencing, but this will eventually be covered in plants and you’ll see very little of it.
The large blue urns need a bit of time to weather in with a good shower of rain and of course it would be fabulous to fast forward a year!
But I’m very happy with the result and look forward to popping back in a few weeks time to see how the garden is settling in.
(Images: Lisa Cox)