My life as a Garden Designer – November highlights
0 Written by Lisa on 30th Nov 2012 in From the drawing boardI just looked back at my October highlights and saw all the photographs from our holiday in Cyprus – it sure feels a while since we got back, but I guess that’s the thing with holidays, they soon become what seems like a distant memory!
I’m not quite sure where November went to be honest, but writing this monthly post is always great because it makes me sit back and reflect on what I’ve achieved. Running your own business is very rewarding but it can sometimes be difficult to pat yourself on the back and realise how far you’ve come.
So, November has been busy and I have been to see three prospective clients, one of which I am keeping everything crossed for because it will be a really interesting project.
The month started with a day planting up my project in Wandsworth which is now looking really fabulous. Unfortunately it was dark when I finished so I wasn’t able to take pictures, but when the bare root roses arrive in December I’ll pop back to plant those, armed with camera in hand.
Of my current projects, this week has seen the start of the construction phase for two of them. Both sites are on clay so, as you can imagine, the clearance work has been just a bit muddy – such a glamorous lifestyle I lead, wading around muddy sites in wellies!
I went down to Somerset twice this month and you may have read my blog post about the gardens at Lyme Regis. Last weekend was spent looking after my parents nursery so that they could visit my sister in Wales.
It poured with rain constantly, as it did around most of the country, so I took the opportunity to catch up with my expenses whilst keeping an eye on the shop. Needless to say, not many people were too tempted to step out and buy plants!
On Wednesday evening I attended one of the Decor Cafe creative networking events. This was held in Wimbledon at the beautiful home of artists Carol Dickson and John Whittall called The Rising Sun.
They also run a Bed and Breakfast there. It was too dark to see the garden, but these events are always very inspiring and the inside of the house is really gorgeous.
It is through the Decor Cafe that I will be running my workshops next year – the first one is in January so do get in touch if you’re interested in joining me.
I also met up with Gabby Adler this month who is an independent property finder in the Richmond area – there are lots of ways that we will be able to collaborate and I’m looking forward to working with her in the future.
What have you been up to this month? Is there anything you’re particularly excited about?
Images: Lisa Cox, The Rising Sun