Introducing garden joiner – Jonathan Blackburn
0 Written by Lisa on 14th Nov 2014 in From the drawing board, InspirationI’m always looking for talented craftsmen (and women!) to work with and earlier this year I met Jonathan Blackburn, a brilliant garden joiner based in Oxfordshire.
He really knows his stuff and he’s creative too which always makes for great collaboration on projects that need that little bit of something different.
Jonathan hasn’t always been a joiner but I think somehow this makes him more passionate about what he does. He knows, as I do, what it’s like to work in an industry that doesn’t inspire or motivate you so when you find something that you love doing it all just clicks into place.
Each of his projects are very much individual and he’ll either design something to suit or work with garden designers and clients to bring their designs and thoughts to reality.
These range from trellis work, to bespoke garden furniture to planters and tree seats.
At the moment I’m working with him to develop some lounge furniture for my Woking client and we also have a garden room and storage solutions in the pipeline as well as some built-in seating with integral storage.
The images here show just some of Jonathan’s work but if you have a specific project in mind it’s certainly worth getting in touch with him, even if it’s just to bounce some ideas around initially. He works locally and further afield as he has his own workshop and much of what he makes is machined off site. It’s certainly worth speaking to him even if you’re not based in the SE.
You’ll find more information on Jonathan’s website.
(Images: Jonathan Blackburn)