RHS Chelsea 2014 – The M&G Garden & one or two others
0 Written by Lisa on 23rd May 2014 in InspirationI hope you’ve been enjoying my coverage of the RHS Chelsea Flower Show 2014. To round off the main show gardens I thought I’d show you some images of the M&G Garden, designed by Cleve West, and also a couple of other images from some of the gardens that I haven’t featured in full.
As always the planting was exquisite in Cleve’s garden. The colours were mainly purples and whites, much the same as many of the other gardens, but the way he puts the plants together I think has a much more natural feel to it.
My initial impression of the garden was neither here nor there, but I kept coming back to it and I felt very differently about it by the time I left the show.
I thought the engraved stone walls were absolutely beautiful.
Next on the list of inspiring elements was the steel pathway in Hugo Bugg’s RBC Waterscape Garden for the Royal Bank of Canada.
This garden was all about water and its sustainability and won a Gold medal – Hugo is the youngest designer at Chelsea to win a Gold…an amazing achievement!
And I’ll leave you with an image of the Cloudy Bay Sensory Garden, designed by Andrew Wilson and Gavin McWilliam. I loved the upright timbers at the back of the garden and frothy planting.
This garden was a challenge to photograph because the sun was so bright, but hopefully you can get a feel for the contrast between the two.
(Images: Lisa Cox)