From the drawing board: My own front garden one year on…
2 Written by Lisa on 1st Jul 2013 in From the drawing boardWe finally got around to doing some work in our own garden this weekend. The sunshine and warmth helped to get the motivation going and we spent a bit of time in the front, weeding and moving a couple of things around.
It’s come on leaps and bounds since is was planted last year so I thought it would be nice to share some pictures with you.
If you remember it used to look like this…
It took just two weeks to construct and we then painted the walls and carried out the planting phase ourselves.
If you remember reading about it at the time then you’ll remember the time lapse video that was made by my Neighbour, Jim Incledon, of Ink on the Lens. It’s very cool and even better when watched with the sound up!
But the difference now is quite incredible and after just one year, the planting has filled out so that it looks as though the garden has always been there. Here are the pictures I took this morning…
I love the euphorbia characias subsp. wulfenii in the far corner. It’s such an architectural plant and has been flowering for at least 6 weeks.
…and of course the lavender and sisyrinchium make it feel all the more summery…
The Laburnum Tree was truly stunning this year. I planted that some 8 years ago so it’s more mature now and works perfectly with the new look and feel of the garden.
I now need to replace the phormium that didn’t fare so well this winter in the large, now empty pot…a task for next weekend maybe…
(Images: Lisa Cox)