From the drawing board: Construction of my front garden days 2 & 3
0 Written by Lisa on 29th Mar 2012 in From the drawing boardWhilst I have been out and about at various meetings this week, progress has continued in my front garden. So far we have around 20 mins of time-lapsed video so I think it will need some serious editing before I post it here for you to see! Days 2 and 3 were predominantly focussed on the walls and excavation of soil to prepare for the sub-base which is being installed as I write.
By the end of Tuesday the side wall by the garage had been rebuilt and the footings for the new wall on the other side and front of the garden were laid.
Work progressed really quickly on Day 3 and the other 2 walls went up before lunch…
Already it was feeling as if it was taking shape. Even whilst the walls are bare blockwork, they still look a hundred times better than the old walls, much cleaner and when the render goes on later in the week they’ll look really crisp and elegant.
You may also notice that there has been some more soil removal to take the levels down far enough to allow for the sub-base material which is actually being installed as I write but I’ll document that in a later post.
It might seem as though not much has happened since Monday, but like any project, it’s the preparation that takes the time. Once the sub-base is in and the setts start to be laid it will feel as if progress is speeding up.