As some of you may know, my parents have a nursery in Somerset. They specialise in growing hardy perennials but they also sell shrubs, trees and some seasonal bedding such as primulas and violas.
My Dad visited their supplier of seasonal bedding yesterday because they’re trying to source some plants for a client who wants something a bit different for the table decorations at their daughter’s wedding. My parents are also growing pots of tulips for the wedding so we’re all keeping everything crossed that they’re looking spectacular on the day! But I digress…
Due to the late arrival of spring, they’re literally throwing away thousands of plants that aren’t being sold. My parents normally sell out of primroses but this year they’ve hardly sold any. I think what makes it worse is that the weather has been continually bad for the last year so each season has been much the same. It must be soul destroying!
So we need to support our local garden centres and nurseries as much as we can otherwise they just won’t be there when we do need them. Now that the spring seems to have made an appearance, you’ll all be starting to think about the garden. Hardy perennials and shrubs can be brought now and if they’re properly grown and well rooted, they’ll be fine to plant out in the ground.
It’s warmed up significantly over the past week, everything has sprung into life again, so it won’t be long before you can plant up your pots for the summer. Buy the plants now and keep them protected for a while. Throwing some horticultural fleece over them at night is often enough to keep them cosy.