Last week I went to Thornhayes nursery near Honiton in Devon. You may think it’s rather a long way to go shopping, but as I source most of the plants for my projects through Forton Nursery (owned by my parents) we often work with growers in the West Country. I was down visiting anyway so I went with my dad to choose the Acer griseum that I will be planting in my London garden project this week.
We were taken by the owner, Kevin Croucher, to the field where the Acer griseum are grown so that we could pick out the one we wanted. As we are in bare root season, they lifted it for us that afternoon and wrapped the root ready for us to collect the following day.
I know that trees can be brought from your local garden centre, but you’ll have much more choice if you go to a specialist nursery. Like many tree nurseries, Thornhayes sell directly to the public so there’s nothing to stop you going to pick out the tree you want.
Thornhayes also offer container grown trees. Buying trees in this way means that you can plant them at any point in the year, even when the trees are in leaf, although like for like they are more expensive than bare root specimens.
Whilst we were there, I also selected 2 container grown multi-stem specimen Betula albosinensis (Chinese Red Birch) which will be planted at my sutton project this week. The rest of the planting will be carried out in the Spring.
Specialist nurseries are also a great source of information. As well as guidance about planting, they will be able to help you to select an appropriate specimen for your garden.