From the drawing board: Concept design & sketches for a Monmouth town house
4 Written by Lisa on 31st Mar 2016 in From the drawing boardI’ve recently been working with a client in Monmouth to help them to redesign the garden for their Georgian town house.
The garden is small in comparison to the house, but part of that is due to the fact that it wraps around the outside. It’s a slightly odd shape too, roughly triangular at the back, and this makes it feel narrower at one end.
The other challenge is that the largest part of the garden is, in effect, the driveway and will continue to be so when the new garden has been built. So although we can’t obscure the cars from view, the new design aims to take the focus into the main part of the garden and seating area.
I wanted the driveway to feel like a garden too so that if they have large gatherings they can move the cars to the road and feel as though they’re using a garden, not a driveway for entertaining.
At the side there’s a long narrow strip which was originally a side access.
Although it’s not used as a side access now, my clients wanted this part of the garden to provide a focal point from the pavement and road and also become a more inviting space, even if this is where the logs and some of the storage will be located.
Raised beds in part of the back garden will enable some built-in seating. This is always a good idea in tight spaces as it reduces the amount of hard landscaping you need to sit around a table comfortably.
My next job is to draw up the design and work through the planting plan and then we can focus on the build phase of the project which should to take place over the next few months.
I’ll keep you posted with the progress and look forward to sharing some photos of the finished garden with you.