From the drawing board: construction of my front garden – Day 1
2 Written by Lisa on 27th Mar 2012 in From the drawing boardThe construction phase of my own front garden started yesterday and as I don’t often get to see the daily progress on a project, I thought it would be a nice idea to share each stage with you. It’s only a small space really, but there was quite a bit of clearance to do and already we have filled one skip and we have arranged for a replacement tomorrow.
This is how it looked before anything started…
This was half way through the day…
As you can see, the walls have come down and the paving and gravel had been lifted. After lunch work started to break up the driveway and this is how it looked at the end of day 1…
The concrete driveway has been removed and there’s a bit more to take off the ground levels before the sub-base can be laid. The footing for the new walls also needs to be relaid before the concrete blockwork can go up and then all the walls will be rendered and painted to match in with the house walls.
What’s really exciting is that my neighbour, Jim Incledon, has rigged up a time-lapsed video camera so that we can film the whole construction phase from start to finish. Jim is Wild Productions’ Creative Director and is the man behind the camera for the Wildlife SOS programmes shown on Animal Planet and the Bionic Vet which was shown on BBC 1 in December 2010.