I hope you enjoyed the photographs I shared on Wednesday of my trip to Box Hill last Saturday at dawn.
Today I am going to share some more only this time they’re close ups of some of the seed heads and plants that were shining out in the early morning sunshine.
It amazed me how the sunshine makes the pictures feel warm – I can assure you it was far from toasty…in fact we needed some time to thaw out when we got back.
But some plants I think become really photogenic in winter when the leaves have fallen and all that’s remaining are the seed heads.
Cow parsley in particular looks lovely on a frosty morning…
And somehow even brambles look fabulous, I guess because they’re quite architectural against the stark landscape.
I loved the frost-covered grass which came to life with the sunlight behind it…
I’m so pleased that we made the effort to get up early, even despite the cold fingers and toes. It was inspiring and interesting to take photographs in a different light, especially with no-one around….the only downside was that we were far too early for the Cafe at the top of Box Hill. Next time we’ll be taking a hot flask of coffee!
(Images: Lisa Cox)