Garden Under Construction: London terrace week 3
0 Written by Lisa on 22nd Nov 2011 in From the drawing boardI made a site visit to my project in London last week which is starting to come together now. If you remember, I was asked to redesign the terrace area following a house building project. We’re now in week 4 of the construction phase of the project and I’m due to go in next week to plant – fingers crossed this mild weather continues for a bit longer!
You may rememeber my post 2 weeks ago when I showed you pictures of the garden just one week into the construction phase of the project. The raised beds are now finished – the structure of softwood sleepers has been clad with cedar and they now have a much more contemporary feel to them.
The contemporary trellis panels arrived on Friday and by the time I visit again on Wednesday, they should be up. In these photos the trellis is just temporarily fixed – eventually it will extend to the end of the raised beds and will extend down so that it finishes at the top of the planters.
The tops of the planters also need to be finished with cedar so that eventually, when they have been filled with soil and the plants have gone in, the sleeper framework will no longer be visible.
This is the view from the lawn, looking towards the house. Once the steps have been rebuilt, the paved landing at the bottom of the steps will be framed with planting. This will really help to soften the marriage between the lawn and the planters which at the moment, even with the clutter, is quite harsh on the eye.
Although it still looks like a building site, it won’t be long until the terrace really starts to take shape and when the plants go in next week it will look different again. I think you might have to wait until the Spring for the furniture to arrive but I’m sure you’ll love the finished terrace when I share the pictures with you towards the end of next week.