March in my garden – spring-flowering plants coming into bloom
2 Written by Lisa on 12th Mar 2013 in PlantsIt’s no wonder that the English are famous for talking about the weather. Last week I was out planting on Tuesday and Wednesday in short sleeves, Thursday was wet and I was working in waterproofs, covered from head to foot in mud, and then yesterday we had blizzards and bitterly cold temperatures!
So, to brighten up your day I thought I’d share some pictures of the signs of spring in my garden, starting with the cheery Narcissus ‘Febuary gold’ which can’t fail to make you smile…
The Hellebores have been flowering for a few weeks, but they’re still going strong and looking lovely as always…
One of my favourite plants is the Peony and these are one of the most dramatic to show themselves in spring.
The herbaceous peonies burst through the soil and promise good things but the tree peony also shoots from stems that look as though they have no life left in them…
I’ve featured Ribes sanguinium before as part of the Garden Flowers series I write with Rona Wheeldon of Flowerona and in my garden it’s one of the first things to come into flower. The flower buds are already well formed and it won’t be long until it’s brightening up the border.
Last but by no means least is the Nandina domestica, one of my favourite evergreen shrubs which performs well in my garden all year round. This year the berries have been spectacular, and they’re still bringing colour and interest now.
In addition some of the perennials are starting to poke through the soil. I’m hoping this cold snap is a temporary blip and we’ll be set for a warm spring soon.
What’s happening in your garden? I’d love to hear from you…
(Images: Lisa Cox for The Room Outside)

This post really made me smile 🙂 I love this time of year and the daffodil is my seasonal fave! Lovely photos Lisa.
Thank you! Now all we need is some warmth to bring everything to life properly! 🙂