I spent 3 days last week planting up the garden in Ashtead. I wouldn’t normally be quite so hands on with digging and moving soil, but as I had some help for the toughest day, I was happy to do it.
The first day we spent digging out all the plants that had to be moved and the perennials that were going to be split. We removed old tree roots and unwanted plants and then brought in 3 tonnes of good quality topsoil to help to improve the structure and quality of the existing soil. Amazing what 2 people can do in just one day, but I have to say my body was complaining a bit the next morning!
Day 2 I was on my own, setting out the new plants and putting them in the ground and then I started the mammoth task of moving 3 cubic metres of mulch, which I finally finished on Friday afternoon. A tough few days of physical graft, but felt very satisfying when I finished…until I had to sweep the driveway that is!
I wanted to show you some before and after pictures because although it will be a couple of years before the planting really comes into its own, I think the immediate change to the look and feel of the garden is quite marked. This is how it looked when I first went to see it…
And this is how it looks now…
You’ll notice how poor the soil used to be compared to how good it looks with the mulch on the top. Eventually the mulch will help to improve the soil, essential with chalk as the nutrients are easily washed away.
You may be wondering why the lawn looks so dreadful – nothing to do with me I’m pleased to say, it has recently been scarified so needs a bit of time for the autumn feed to do its thing!