What’s involved in the preparation of a landscaper’s quote
4 Written by Lisa on 24th Apr 2013 in Design TipsI spoke with one of my landscapers this afternoon because I’ve just sent over the drawings for my project near Muswell Hill. He can’t get started on his quote until next week because he’s working on a tender for a large job in London and this will take him the majority of the week to pull together.
As it’s a tender process he might not even get the project, and that’s part of running a business of course, but this got me thinking that most people probably don’t know what goes in to preparing a quote for the build phase of a garden project – even the smallest and most straight forward designs take at least a couple of hours to prepare.
If you’re a regular reader of my blog then you’ll know that I am really passionate about producing a specification and full set of working drawings for each of my projects. Anything I can do to help the landscapers to price accurately is worth all the effort. Without them there’s just too much open to interpretation and it would be impossible to provide an upfront cost that wouldn’t incur “extras” along the way.
My Leatherhead project, which is half way through the build, is a complex site. When steep levels are involved a good design will try, where possible, to utilise the soil on site so that waste is kept to a minimum. Any spoil from a hole will double in volume so the landscaper quoting has to work through some complex quantity surveying in order to calculate just how much waste removal is required throughout the build.
They need to calculate cost of materials and man hours for the whole job so that they can be sure that the job can be completed within the project budget and on schedule. Good landscapers will take the time to calculate this properly. Any figures must relate to the complexity of the build so that when they submit their price, it will only be open to amendment if the client changes things during the build or they uncover something that couldn’t be predicted before the work was started.
So, I guess what I’m saying is that quoting is a complex and time consuming part of a landscapers job so if you’re embarking on the build phase of a project, try to be patient – time taken at this stage will most certainly pay off in the long run.