Great Design Is All About The Detail

0 Written by Lisa on 7th Feb 2011 in Design Tips, From the drawing board

Over the course of the last week, I have been working on the final drawings and construction detailing for my project in Ockley.  This part of the design process includes construction drawings, setting out drawings and a Scope of Works which will allow the contractor to fully understand the extent of the design and properly quote to carry out the work.

Part of the process is to refine any hard landscaping areas so that the dimensions relate to the materials being used.  The new steps outside the front door for this project will be constructed using some of the reclaimed bricks that are already on site, and because the brickwork needs to tie in with the raised bed against the house wall it has been really important to produce a drawing from which the landscaper can work.

This is the concept sketch I presented to the client:

The model below was worked up using Google SketchUp, a brilliant tool that enables elements of a 2-dimentional plan to be “sketched up” to create a 3-dimentional model.  In this case, it has enabled me to work out the finished dimensions and brick patterns of the steps in relation to the dimensions of the bricks that we will be using, and because the image can then be rotated and viewed from any angle, I can really get a feeling for how it will look in reality.  You will see that I have worked out the pattern for the top “landing” so that the steps are connected with the wall and all the brick courses tie in.

You might be asking why I need to prepare such details for a landscaper who is building this sort of thing all the time.  To some extent you are right, as it is the landscaper who is responsible for ensuring that the constructed elements are correctly built and will stand the test of time, but the truth is that if the finer details are worked through by the designer the finished result will take the design to the next level, a garden that is really stunning!

The Winter Personality – What’s Their Style?

4 Written by Lisa on 4th Feb 2011 in Design Tips, Inspiration

Winter personalities have a powerful stillness and strength and can command authority without saying a word. They are cool and objective and have confidence in their own abilities.  They know what they want, are highly motivated and very ambitious.  They are natural leaders and have a flair for business but, because they genuinely enjoy their own company, they can be perceived as being cold and arrogant. Read more

The Autumn Personality – What’s Their Style?

0 Written by Lisa on 2nd Feb 2011 in Design Tips, Inspiration

The autumn personalities are passionate, strong, warm, friendly and earthy.  They are very interested in others and learning about the world and environment.  They can appear a bit bossy or rebellious, but their natural enthusiasm and organised and practical nature makes them great leaders and campaigners. Read more

The Summer Personality – What’s Their Style?

0 Written by Lisa on 31st Jan 2011 in Design Tips, Inspiration

The summer personality is all about timeless elegance and cool sophistication and people reflecting the patterns of summer have a dreamy, romantic quality. They love good quality and classic design and work calmly with great attention to detail, persevering to get the job done.  They are quietly supportive and will be very sensitive to the needs of others around them.  Born diplomats, summer personalities enjoy creating order out of chaos and are natural peacemakers and nurturers. Read more

The Spring Personality – What’s their style?

0 Written by Lisa on 28th Jan 2011 in Design Tips, Inspiration

So you now know a bit more about where the colour personalities come from, but what is the character of each of the seasons and which objects and elements would really get them excited about the garden? Read more

Getting Back to Nature – What Are the Colour Personalities and Where Do They Come From?

0 Written by Lisa on 26th Jan 2011 in Design Tips, Inspiration

Back at the beginning of November you may recall that I wrote a blog post about my new-found knowledge of colour psychology and how it has changed the way that I approach my design work.  Over the course of the next week or so I would like to share with you some more about the colour personalities and how these relate to the design world and I hope that you find it as fascinating as I do! Read more

The Good Witch Will Help to Cure The Winter Blues

3 Written by Lisa on 21st Jan 2011 in Design Tips, Inspiration

I had a meeting at Wisley this morning so decided to get there a little early so that I was able to have a quick walk round.  What stood out amongst the crowd was the witch hazel (hamamelis) which has just started to come into flower. Read more

10 Trees With Gorgeous Bark

0 Written by Lisa on 19th Jan 2011 in Design Tips, Inspiration

1.  Acer griseum (Paper Bark Maple) – gorgeous peeling bronze bark glows a warm cinnamon-red in winter and has rich scarlet leaves in autumn.  It’s a great specimen for a small garden as it is slow growing and has a very attractive habit. Read more

Views, Vistas and Focal Points

0 Written by Lisa on 17th Jan 2011 in Design Tips, Inspiration

When I am designing gardens, my first thoughts are about creating balance and harmony within the space.The proportions must be right and the general feel of the garden really has to fit in with the house and surrounding area otherwise it will never feel as if it truly belongs there. One integral element of visualising the new garden is to establish where the focal points are located within the new design, as it is these spaces that will create and encourage movement through the garden. Read more

Concept Sketches for a Garden in Ockley

0 Written by Lisa on 12th Jan 2011 in Design Tips, From the drawing board

You might remember that I posted a blog in December about the areas around your house in which I used the recent commission I have in Ockley to illustrate my thoughts.  On Monday I presented the Concept Design for this project to my clients so I thought I would share this with you. Read more

Lisa Cox Welcome

I specialise in helping families to turn their gardens into an extension of their home and into a space that can be used and enjoyed all year round.

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